Hoje, um comentário inesperado foi-me deixado no post “Thanksgiving”.
Veio do Ohio, Cleveland, e diz assim “Great to see that picture again. The meal was at my great-grandparent’s home, and my grandfather is in that picture.”
A fotografia que escolhi para ilustrar o post acima referido é esta:Jack Delano, Tartes de abóbora e maçã e jantar de Acção de Graças em casa do Sr.Timothy Levy Crouch, um Rogerine Quaker, Ledyard, Connecticut, Novembro 1940
E no post referi que para além das tartes de abóbora que se vêem na fotografia, o perú, que não vemos, não faltou certamente naquela noite de jantar de Acção de Graças da família Crouch.
Através da pesquisa no Google, “Crouch Thanksgiving 1940”, o bisneto do Sr. Timothy Levy Crouch acedeu ao saisdeprata-e-pixels. Para além do meu post o google sugere outros sites, nomeadamente este aqui.
Qual não é o meu espanto, ao entrar no site, deparar com todas as outras fotografias que Jack Delano tirou nesse dia em casa da família Crouch:“mom is busy in the kitchen, basting the 20 pound turkey.”
“the guest begin arriving. With snow on the ground, the second car from the left must have been a chilly ride”.
“This picture has the look of cousins being expected to make pleasant conversation with each other while they await dinner”.
“The kitchen is crowded with preparations – and the kids are underfoot.”
“In the days before television, and before men were expected to pitch in and help with cooking and cleaning … reading the newspaper while waiting to be called to dinner.”
“In a many rural parts of America, a hunting expedition was – and still is – a tradition on Thanksgiving morning.”
“It’s hard to resist a peek at the treats that await.”
“Finally, everyone sits down to enjoy the meal—adults at the big table, and---
children at the kid's table."
“Pies and fruitcake will finish the feast.”
“Dinner’s over, but the family patriarch doesn’t seem inclined to move from the table just yet.”
Hoje todas estas fotografias pertencem à Biblioteca Congress American Memory Collection.
quinta-feira, janeiro 03, 2008
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